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魔偶马戏团是一部评分5.0的日韩动漫 ,影片的导演是西村聪The protagonist, Masaru, has just inherited a big fortune after the death of his father. However, people are trying to get their hands on it by any means necessary, even if it means killing him. Narumi helps Masaru from being kidnapped after fighting strange figures. He finds out that they're not humans, but wooden puppets with amazing strength. After a hard fight, Narumi is forced to admit that he's no opponent for them; and just when he starts to think that Masaru will be captured, Shirogane, Masaru's watcher arrives from France with a weapon, the puppet Arlequin. Here begins the story of Karakuri Circus.

- 1 名侦探柯南国语
- 2 海贼王
- 3 喜羊羊与灰太狼
- 4 妖精的尾巴
- 5 海绵宝宝全集
- 6 精灵宝可梦第一季无印篇
- 7 从今天开始当城主
- 8 大头儿子和小头爸爸
- 9 学园救援团
- 10 喜羊羊与灰太狼之奇妙大营救2022
- 1 星际恐龙
- 2 大丽花与红皮书
- 3 海绵宝宝:皮老板大电影
- 4 胜与败
- 5 猎魔人:深渊海妖
- 6 无敌少侠第三季
- 7 你的好邻居蜘蛛侠第一季
- 8 海洋奇缘2
- 9 恶魔城:夜曲第二季
- 10 哈莉·奎茵第五季