Director and actor Mark Webber explores family dynamics using his real family as the cast and real-life situations for the story to create a film that authentically blurs the line between narrative and documentary. Flesh and Blood tells the story of Mark, a man returning home from prison to live with his mother and teenage brother in the inner city of Philadelphia. Attempts to rebuild his life become frustrated by struggles with sobriety, a strained relationship with his activist mother, the neglect of a teenage brother with Aspergers and a rehashed cycle of abandonment by addict fathers. A dysfunctional family tree soon emerges whose every branch is not only broken but likely unrepairable. 来源:西瓜影音
- 1 傻王夺嫡开局就藩西凉
- 2 仙帝归来第三季
- 3 都重生了谁还谈恋爱啊
- 4 弟子都说我无敌
- 5 开局荒古圣体
- 6 鲲吞天下之掌门归来
- 7 都市神医:七个师姐保我无敌
- 8 绝世强者只想回家种田第二季
- 9 开局有剑域,我能苟成剑神
- 10 重生八万年第二季
- 1 震撼擂台
- 2 临终时刻
- 3 卧底:费瑞崛起2
- 4 秩序信条
- 5 着魔
- 6 怪狩核芯(怪狩核心)
- 7 仙帝归来第三季
- 8 重生封神游戏之最强散人
- 9 雪王之奇幻沙州
- 10 宿主她修无情道