KumarPerumalAppoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn't cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the system he begin to lose his identity. Later he is pushed into a loser category. At one point he begins to get attention when he started to perform outside of the system as a wild character. Because of the strong outer factor of the system and due to confused feelings he chose to remain as a wild character without knowing he is actually being a slave of the rottening system.
- 1 今日说法
- 2 今日说法2021
- 3 肥妻重生娘亲拽又飒
- 4 都重生了谁还谈恋爱啊
- 5 相遇在中国
- 6 从赘婿到宠臣
- 7 扫黑风暴
- 8 深入全球最难熬的监狱第1-6季
- 9 护卫者
- 10 机智的恋爱生活速享版
- 1 不许和陌生人说话
- 2 闪婚成宠神医娇妻美又飒
- 3 后妈也疯狂
- 4 角色扮演
- 5 相见欢
- 6 高冷学霸求放过
- 7 明月几时有
- 8 因爱成囚
- 9 美国豚鼠2:血腥冲击
- 10 绝地逃亡